Saturday, September 13, 2008

The "new" Kerby Lane Cafe

Next week will mark 3 years since Danielle & I moved to Austin, so I am in no way authorized to pine for "the good old days", but I can say that I'm really bummed about the "new" Kerby Lane Cafe location in North Austin.

The thing I've loved about Kerby Lane is the food, but the atmosphere is also great; relaxed, easy-going, really just feeling lived in. Two weeks ago the location on 183 moved north a couple of exits and to the other side of the highway, out of the old house-style building and into a big plaza location. I've been to the new location twice since opening, and while the food has remained the same (great!), the vibe is just different. While before the space felt like walking into someone's home: a little rough around the edges, picked up enough for company, but you could still tell they'd been there for years; the new location feels too slick and polished. Everything is fresh and new, a big tv in the waiting area, host & wait staff (while still the same personnel) being dressed a little nicer than normal, and new art on the freshly painted walls.

Don't get me wrong, the migas and french toast were still GREAT. But, I was actually somewhat contented this morning when I realized by plate had a chip taken out of the bottom of it. Hopefully the new, bigger location will alleviate some of the wait times, and that after it's open a few months it will start to acquire that good old Kerby Lane feel.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Meat or no meat...that is the question...

Since the end of the spring semester, I have been trying to work out more and eat better. The goal is to improve my general health, and train for the Zilker Trail of Lights 5K in December. This has been moderately successful, as I have lost some weight, but my running has left a lot to be desired. With some new running shoes a few weeks ago, I'm hoping to step up my running to be able to do the 5K by December.

On the eating side, I've been thinking lately and realized how often I haven't felt well after eating (usually a lot) of meat as of late. Therefore, in order to help kick our healthy eating up a notch, Danielle and I have gone (mostly) vegetarian over the last couple of weeks. I'm by no means being hardcore about it, the chicken pot-pie at COM Group Tuesday was great! However, in general I've been amazed at how much better I've felt after eating, and how my Rolaids consumption has gone down.

I'm trying to make running a part of my normal routine, which hasn't (so far) been a great success, but is moving in the right direction. As for the -mostly- vegetarian food, we're thinking we'll try it out until the Mier's wedding in November and see where it goes from there.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What I Learned This Week

So after a week of time in the studio with the JCB, getting back to class, spending too much time reading blogs, and church this morning...I have learned the following:

- Coffee is my friend.
- Don't ever trust cables from Guitar Center to work, even the first day.
- Fantasy Football has increased my interest in the NFL, to marginal.
- Always check the wiring before putting speakers back together, live or in the studio (had to do this twice before I learned)
- Museums have really inconvenient hours. M-F 10a-4p...really?
- I never remember to check the room number for my classes until 10 minutes before the first meeting.
- I'm breaking more strings than usual, not sure if I should start using thinner picks.
- Coffee is still my friend, and so is Jesus
- And as of 2 minutes ago... waiting to order dinner, for deliver, until 8:45 is a bad idea.

Hopefully I have a week at least as enlightening next week. We shall see.