Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Street Peachers on Campus

There was a street preacher here a couple of weeks ago who seemed relatively normal, sitting among students answering their questions. Seemed to be no big deal, apparently this guy has been coming to UT for 20+ years.

Then last week there were a group of guys who are "shouting" Jesus at people. No personal engagement, just yelling into the crowds of students going by. This did nothing but annoy all the students in the area and even elicited a bunch of angry shouting back.

I just wonder if these guys realize that they are only lessening people's view of Christians and Christianity on campus? "Oh, you're a Christian, just like that nut in front of the Union."

Thanks guys. Now those of us who try to have reasonable rational conversations with people have to work through your baggage before getting people to trust and engage with us.

1 comment:

Jesse J. Saunders said...

So the date on this post is 2/28, but I actually posted it on 3/28. I didn't proof & post the day I wrote it, hence the incorrect date.
